Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Suffer The Children

When last we saw Our Nation's Youth, they were being traumatized by a brief view of Janet Jackson's nipple.

You can see why so many families and churches are turning off the TV, dominated as it is by liberal Hollywood elites, and turning instead to wholesome Christian entertainment for their children. Like a movie reportedly featuring a graphic, bloody, 45-minute-long beating.
[M]any parents and church leaders plan to have kids as young as 10 see the film, which opens Feb. 25, Ash Wednesday.

"The violence is necessary to understand the sacrifice Jesus made," says First Family pastor Jerry Johnston. His Baptist church has rented out a half-dozen theaters in Kansas City, Kan., and has reserved auditoriums the night of Feb. 27 for children 11 and older.

Johnston concedes they'll be disturbed by the violence. "I hope they're disturbed enough to make their peace with Jesus."
Another pastor justifies the exposure of young children to extended close-ups of bloody violence: "a lot of kids are already mature for their age. Look at what they see on MTV." (The same MTV which produced the infamous halftime show just two weeks ago is now setting appropriate guidelines for which images Christian kids can see. Truly they have been redeemed.)

When I was ten, I talked my parents into letting me watch "The Day After" - despite widespread media warnings that it was not suitable for children under twelve. I thought I was mature enough to handle it, and I was wrong. I was terrified for weeks. I had nightmares. By all accounts, "The Passion of Christ" is much, much more graphic and realistic. What kind of parents subject their kids to that?

(Via Pandagon.)